Welcome to lindenhurst.com
the village of lindenhurst, New York
We are in the process of moving our website
Bear with us
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be sure to visit our new photo pages
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another fine website by jnani
if you are looking for Lindenhurst, Illinois, this is not it. However, feel free to stop by, browse and enjoy.
IComing soon to this web site:
A village news page
A village library page
Advertising banners and pages for those wishing to support this web site
Technical support for anyone or group wishing to set up their own website
Free Chat sessions
For your enjoyment as we develop this page, here is a cyberspace Rubik Cube
Hint: Use the mouse, the shift, control and backspace keys and the spacebar. Enjoy!
For any information, send email to address below.
the unofficial home for the village of Lindenhurst, NY
for information about being listed or advertising on this site, see below (absulutely no spam; it will be reported)
all inquiries are welcome and will receive individual attention
visit our other sites: graycells.com, classicalpiano.com, lignux.net, chimneyco.com
site creation, music and maintainance: by jnani of lindenhurst
"enlightened websites"
Send us your comments and questions.
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